Version 1.61

Version 1.61, Bug fixes! QOL! Pet Community Event! Keybinds!

Community Event: Pets
In the last update, 6 new pets were teased in the Pet menu:

The Stranger, Terrorpede, Gigasnail, Minotaur, Griffin, and Slug

The Stranger is part of the newly teased Maelstrom area, and his effect is already decided (If you think about it for a while, you probably know what it is). But the other 5 are a little bit more special. What they do will be decided by you.

By joining the MMO Simulator Discord you will be able to open a forum post, and lay out your idea for what one of these pets could do. You don't have to worry about specifics like percentages and exact numbers if you don't want to, since they'll probably need tweaking before they make it in-game anyway, but you can choose to pitch whatever pet effect you like. You can also feel free to come up with a biography for this pet, if you wish.

Feel free to be as creative as you like. Maybe a pet works differently at different times of the day? Maybe it interacts with a game effect that no other pet interacts with? It's totally up to you.

On October 1st, entries to this event will close, I'll pick a few favourites, and then the community will vote on which ones make it into the game.

What's in it for you, though?
If your pet is chosen, you'll receive the following:

  • The in-game Contributor title, reserved for players who helped make MMO Sim what it is.
  • Your name will be shown in the biography of your pet. (This doesn't have to be your real name)
  • When donator rewards go live in a few weeks, you'll receive those benefits forever!

Below is a handy guide on what is already planned for these pets, to help you in your pet design process

Pet NameHow the pet is earned
Terrorpede, Minotaur, GigasnailAscension Rewards
SlugVery low chance from all low-tier grind areas
GriffinVery low chance from all high-tier grind areas

Patch Notes start here
Only a small update this week. The planned major features, as well as the donator rewards are taking up a great deal of time, hang tight! Things are coming!

Minor Features:

  • When opening the Loot Log, reminder text will be shown in the Loot Log to remind players how to close the Loot Log
  • Added simulated player trading! Now you'll be gifted upgrades from higher level players, and will gift your unwanted gear to lower levelled players! You will still gain your gold as if you had sold the unwanted gear,  this is purely simulated and has no bearing on the gameplay, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't say thanks :)
  • Windows Only: Added Keybinds. In a future update, these will be shown in the Settings menu, and be customizable. For now, the keybinds can be found below. Rule of thumb: The key you need to press is the first letter of the menu ("M" for map). If the menu you want to access is not unlocked at the beginning of the game, the key will instead be the first letter that isn't being used by another menu that came before it ("E" for Steeds, since "S" is store, and "T" is Town). 
Map"M" for Map
Bosses"B" for Bosses
Town"T" for Town
Store"S" for Store
Rituals"R" for Rituals
Alchemy"A" for Alchemy
Pets"P" for Pets
Charms"C" for Charms
Steeds"E" for stEeds
Bones"O" for bOnes
Crucible"U" for crUcible
Wheel"W" for Wheel
Quests"Q" for Quests
Open Menu"Space Bar"
Close All"Escape"


  • The Quick Pet Menu will now refresh when closing the Pet Menu without needing to press "Finished Editing" in the Favourite Pet Menu
  • Slightly sped up Auto-Grinder speed

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a typo in Krampus' biography
  • Celestial Steed will no longer have an unusually high multiplier after ascending (This may not take effect until ascension)
  • Raidleader can now be selected using the Quick Pet Menu
  • Town buttons will no longer flash intermittently while at max stats
  • The "Name your town" window will now appropriately appear when your town has no name
  • A bug preventing Leprechaun from being earned has been fixed

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