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Is there any fix for not being able to click any buttons on the downloaded windows version?

I'm having trouble fixing it since I can't replicate it, it only seems to be happening to some people and not others. Really sorry!

Ok fair enough ill just keep checking each new build to see if it fixes it self 

Deleted 1 day ago

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

> Magma Corgi looks for a friend

Seriously, didn't have to go so hard.

I love the take on a traditional incremental - definitely feels like an MMO, sans... people. 

It does look like the second ascension is borked - After I tried, I'm now in a state where I still have all my top gear, the crucible says I need to ascend, but the button isn't enabled. Additionally, it did clear out my purchases for the map, resources, keys, but since I still have the highest tier stuff the shop is still unlocked, and I still have all my charms, and I also didn't get the next piece of equipment. It's a weird state where I physically can't make any progress, but everything else functions just fine.

Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see how much better it gets.

Deleted 1 day ago

Additionally, I've fixed the Crucible bug.
I am concerned since you said that the Ascend button isn't enabled, that you may still be soft locked since you were the one that was unfortunate enough to find the bug, if this is the case, let me know and I'll walk you through how to fix it.

(3 edits)

I am getting the same error that others are experiencing in both Windows build and the web version. Using Chrome 126.0.6478.114, and tried all the standard tricks like doing a empty cache and hard reload (for Windows version, I tried running as admin).

There are a few Godot centric errors in the console, but these all occur as soon as the app starts to load and it seems to go through the start up (the loading screen you built) fine. I think these errors are just internal to Godot and self-resolving (e.g. one is about audio mix rate being set to 0, but it then says it defaults to 44100 and the source of the error is in audio_server.cpp - so probably in the engine itself).

I can't really see anything else that would be useful in helping you track down the error, except that the last network action the app performs before "freezing" is to call:

So it is possible the error is in the code that handles building the score board. This might further be supported by the behaviour of the app, as it is still usable, I can click "Log" for example and it expands the log up... it is just an empty grey area. Similarly I can click "Menu" but nothing happens beyond the border of the button turning yellow to indicate it has been clicked.

Anyway, reach out if you want me to try anything else to help gather data.

♥ Boosh

Thanks for the work you've put in, my dude.
I worked out a little while ago that it was probably the Leaderboard's fault, and was trying to find a way to fix it. The browser version of the game now has the leaderboard completely disabled, and that should work. It's a shame, but until I work out exactly what's going wrong, it's all I can do for now.
Thanks (:

Hey Mate,

I still can't get it to work in the frame above, but when trying to dig deeper I noticed that it works fine if I just load the page directly:

So this might be a quick fix for others still having issues.

In terms of a proper fix, understanding that it was running in an iFrame, I was able to dig a bit deeper and capture some specific errors.

There are lots, none particularly useful, but the early ones seem to be issues loading resources.

The very first error that happens is this one:

USER SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
JsonLoad (res://Scenes/

Given this doesn't happen when you load the game directly, maybe it is related to the cross-origin policy for resources. Though I would have thought this would be a problem for all games uploaded to, so maybe that is a dead end.

Unfortunately while I know a decent amount about Javascript and HTML5, I don't know much about Godot and Web Assembly.

Hopefully this helps point you a bit closer to a fix though, or at least lets some others play by loading it directly using the link above.

♥ Boosh

I downloaded the windows exe file but even it did not work for me. Do you have any solution?

The browser version should work now, but I've had to disable the leaderboard. Let me know if you still have trouble

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

I get stuck in the first screen. Cant do anything

(1 edit)

Yeah, a few people have said this. It's strange because it seems to work for 99% of people (based on the leaderboards). I'm trying to fix it, sorry :(

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)


Very fun game i think i will dabble in it for a bit


Well i was gonna do something but I NEED TO GRIND!

Dude I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

the menu button nor the grind button do anything, cant play

That's strange :\ haven't encountered that yet. Did re-loading it help? I'll look into it

Same here, neither button does anything.  Reloading didn't help

Man, I'm sorry :( I'm trying to fix it, would you mind telling me what browser you're on?

(1 edit)

Chrome.  Tried edge too, same issue.

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

Having same problem on chrome and edg

I am trying to fix it, but it's hard when I can't replicate it. If you find the time, it would be an enormous help if you could tell me what the text at the top of the screen says. It should either say "Hills" or "Grinding...".

I just get this screen and doesnt do anything, can click grind but nothing happends

(1 edit)

also, what explorer you using?i also tried with opera but nothing

(1 edit)

i got same problem.

i see that on the first screen it lists as version Beta0.99989 but the client you download is named MMO Simulator Beta0.99987. i got no clue on stuff like this but maybe this can help.

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

Awesome! Good job! Not having the option to try the game, has made me REALLY wanna try the game.
Have a great weekend mate 

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)


love it

Thankyou so much! Good luck on the grind :p